Way To Be
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Be Grateful
Reflection: When you are grateful, you appreciate everything you have. Know matter how much or how little. When you are grateful it doesn't matter what others think. You can only be positive. To me being grateful will make you a better person with yourself and others. For example, when your parents give you something like a phone or anything else, you should be thankful for everything you have even though it might not be much. Show your parents that you appreciate the things you have, and show them how much you love them.
Quote: "Be grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between.
2. Be Smart
Reflection: What it means to be smart is to learn and educate yourself. Without an education how will you accomplish your goals? You won't. If you want to be successful you need to do well in school and make something of yourself. If you do really bad in school you wont know much about life in general. There are more important things to worry about like education.
Quote: "Before you can work smart you must work hard." (Unknown)
3. Be Involved in Good Works
Reflection: When you are involved in good works this means you are a good person and are kind to people around you. You will take peoples feelings into consideration as well as, even working for your community. This has to do a lot with being a good person in general and doing things for others. Community service and helping anyone who needs help is doing good work. For example, when you are in high school community service is required and you need to do it for a specific amount of hours. This is very helpful to the community and this will make you a better person for helping others.
Quote: "Work for a cause not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt."
4. Be Clean
Reflection: When I think of being clean I think of being pure. Having a pure mind and keep positive thoughts. I feel that when you are being clean you stay away from drugs and alcohol and keeping your body healthy. You should also stay away from bad language and surround yourself with good people as well. Being a clean person will allow you to have many opportunities because with being clean you will be a better person. When your mind is pure and you feel like you are the best person you can be you will be rewarded. In order to use this new way i will stay away from bad people and i will try my best to stay away from all the bad things in life that will stop me from being successful. I will also stay away from drugs and alcohol and piercings, along with tattoos and language.

5. Be True
Reflection: Being true can relate and mean several things. To me this means, be true to yourself. When you are a liar and disobey rules or laws, your not being truthful to yourself. Knowing right from wrong can also relate because when you lie to yourself about the kind of person you are you will never improve. Being true can change the way you think of yourself and the world around you. Only you can help yourself. In this quote it is simply saying to be yourself and be true and follow your dreams.For example, just because everyone else is doing something doesn't mean you have to just to be better or impress anyone. To apply this to myself, I will be true to myself and i wont change for the worse just so people can like me. I will be true.
"Being true to yourself is better than being a liar to impress everyone."
6. Be Positive
Reflection: It is always good to stay positive. When you stay positive you will always thing your best. When you are a negative person you wont really achieve goals in life. For example, when you are negative with a goal like getting good grades, you wont believe you can achieve it. Since you always think negative, you won't believe in yourself. Whereas a positive person would stay positive and go on to achieve the goal. When you are a positive person you will be rewarded because without being positive you will never push yourself to do and be a better person. What i will do to be positive is always think to myself that nothing is to hard and I will do my best and stay happy. I will always look at the bright side of things.When I start to think negative i will try to keep the good things in life in mind.

7. Be Humble
Reflection: Being humble is a quality you must have to be happy. When you are humble you appreciate and respect everything and everyone you have. Being a humble person can also change the way you see the world and change the way you see the people around you. For example a humble person would be appreciative of everything he or she has. lets say you have a phone that you have had for a year, and a new phone came out and everyone had it. If you are unhappy with the one you have or you really want to be like someone else then you are not a humble person. If this is you, you should change the way you see things because being humble means you care and appreciate even the little things in life. What I will do to apply this to everyday life is I will stay humble and appreciate everything my parents do for me as well as appreciate other little things. i will also respect everyone and take there emotions into consideration.

8. Be Still
Reflection: Being still can mean to not move, but this has a deeper meaning. This is having to do with being a peaceful and a good minded person. The opposite of this would be violence, drugs, alcohol, and other helpful things. Being still is being kind. When you are kind you are a nice person and treat everyone with respect. You always try your best to be a humble person and find ways to make others happy. An example of being still is, when your parent gives you something, you should appreciate it and thank him or her. The opposite of being still is if your parents works hard to give you what you want and you don't appreciate it and you wish u had something better. Be humble and appreciate. I will start being still in my everyday life by showing how much i care for everyone in my life. I wont get in fights or do drugs and do any other nonsense. When yo are humble and still you will see there is more to appreciate in life ad you will be thankful for everything you have.
9. Be prayerful
Reflection about the 9 ways:
In class we have learned about the 9 ways to make something of your life. I have learned a lot ad how i should be to be successful with others. The first way is being grateful, in order to be grateful I will learn to be thankful for everything I have and be grateful of all the great things people do for me. I will appreciate life and take it one day at a time. I will be happy and treat others the way I want to be treated. Being smart will also help me in life, I will be smart in every choice I make. I will stay away from bad things and bad people in order to keep myself on the rights track. Being involved in great works will show me how to appreciate what I have because i will be helping others. I will do community service, and i will try to make others in my community happy as well. Another thing I will do is be clean. In order to do this I need to get rid of all the bad people in my life. I will stay away from all the bad things that will hold me back from reaching goals and being a good person in general. I will also be truthful by telling the truth and accepting the truth. Being a positive person helps too, because when you are positive you will make the best out of everything and this will help with problem solving. I will be a humble person and i will be happy with what I have and i will appreciate everything. I will treat others with respect. Being still is being a peaceful person and this will help you when you nee to solve problems you may have. This can also deal with being patience. Lastly, i will be prayerful. In my opinion praying can and will help you. When you pray at least once a day, you will feel a sense of comfort and happiness.
Reflection: What it means to be smart is to learn and educate yourself. Without an education how will you accomplish your goals? You won't. If you want to be successful you need to do well in school and make something of yourself. If you do really bad in school you wont know much about life in general. There are more important things to worry about like education.
3. Be Involved in Good Works
Reflection: When you are involved in good works this means you are a good person and are kind to people around you. You will take peoples feelings into consideration as well as, even working for your community. This has to do a lot with being a good person in general and doing things for others. Community service and helping anyone who needs help is doing good work. For example, when you are in high school community service is required and you need to do it for a specific amount of hours. This is very helpful to the community and this will make you a better person for helping others.

4. Be Clean
5. Be True
"Being true to yourself is better than being a liar to impress everyone."
6. Be Positive

7. Be Humble
Reflection: Being humble is a quality you must have to be happy. When you are humble you appreciate and respect everything and everyone you have. Being a humble person can also change the way you see the world and change the way you see the people around you. For example a humble person would be appreciative of everything he or she has. lets say you have a phone that you have had for a year, and a new phone came out and everyone had it. If you are unhappy with the one you have or you really want to be like someone else then you are not a humble person. If this is you, you should change the way you see things because being humble means you care and appreciate even the little things in life. What I will do to apply this to everyday life is I will stay humble and appreciate everything my parents do for me as well as appreciate other little things. i will also respect everyone and take there emotions into consideration.

8. Be Still
Reflection: Being still can mean to not move, but this has a deeper meaning. This is having to do with being a peaceful and a good minded person. The opposite of this would be violence, drugs, alcohol, and other helpful things. Being still is being kind. When you are kind you are a nice person and treat everyone with respect. You always try your best to be a humble person and find ways to make others happy. An example of being still is, when your parent gives you something, you should appreciate it and thank him or her. The opposite of being still is if your parents works hard to give you what you want and you don't appreciate it and you wish u had something better. Be humble and appreciate. I will start being still in my everyday life by showing how much i care for everyone in my life. I wont get in fights or do drugs and do any other nonsense. When yo are humble and still you will see there is more to appreciate in life ad you will be thankful for everything you have.
9. Be prayerful
Reflection about the 9 ways:
In class we have learned about the 9 ways to make something of your life. I have learned a lot ad how i should be to be successful with others. The first way is being grateful, in order to be grateful I will learn to be thankful for everything I have and be grateful of all the great things people do for me. I will appreciate life and take it one day at a time. I will be happy and treat others the way I want to be treated. Being smart will also help me in life, I will be smart in every choice I make. I will stay away from bad things and bad people in order to keep myself on the rights track. Being involved in great works will show me how to appreciate what I have because i will be helping others. I will do community service, and i will try to make others in my community happy as well. Another thing I will do is be clean. In order to do this I need to get rid of all the bad people in my life. I will stay away from all the bad things that will hold me back from reaching goals and being a good person in general. I will also be truthful by telling the truth and accepting the truth. Being a positive person helps too, because when you are positive you will make the best out of everything and this will help with problem solving. I will be a humble person and i will be happy with what I have and i will appreciate everything. I will treat others with respect. Being still is being a peaceful person and this will help you when you nee to solve problems you may have. This can also deal with being patience. Lastly, i will be prayerful. In my opinion praying can and will help you. When you pray at least once a day, you will feel a sense of comfort and happiness.
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