Friday, January 22, 2016

 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
 Stephen R. Covey

Habit 1: Be proactive
Quote: "Habit 1 is they key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says,"I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

Reflection: People who are full of imagination. They choose the right and are able to choose whats right. Not only that but they are able to control and choose the kind of attitude they want. They always consider others, and worry about their, and others well-being. In the quote about Covey stresses how important being proactive is. This is surely something everyone needs to learn to be a better person. This will show you how to control the way you are towards others. What I will do to apply this habit is learn how to treat others with respect and also get to know myself as a person more. I will learn how to control my attitude. This will make me an effective person. I want people to trust me and respect me as well. 

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
Quote: "Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)

Reflection:This can mean planning goals ahead of time and trying your best to fulfill them. You will always see things in a creative way and always remember the end in mind. You will always be determined and you will try your best to complete tasks and doing things that benefit you. You should always find things you like about yourself and always make sure you make yourself happy by doing the things you love. This quote says a lot, when you don't do what you want because your shy and you feel like you cannot do something, someone who is determined will steal that from you. Always try your best and with that, I will try my best and always plan goals ahead of time. 

Habit 3: Put first things first
Quote:"Organize and execute around priorities."

Reflection: This is a habit everyone should have in order to be successful. When you are a person who always keeps priorities in mind and you accomplish them, you are someone who will go far in life. When you are organized and always try your best to get things done, you are someone who tries their best. One time I wanted to go out with my friends but, i had to take care of my little sister. My mom told me it was okay to go out but I did not want to leave my sister at home, so i decided to stay because it was my priority. It was something that had to be done. I'm glad i decided to do the right thing. What I will do is try to put the important things first rather than what I want to do, like go out with friends. If I have homework or chores to do I will make those a priority first. This will help me become a better person and I will really look forward to trying my best. I will also put school and my family first because those should be my priorities. 

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Quote:"Think Win-Win or no deal."

Reflection: This quote means a lot because without thinking you can always win, you will not have the right mind set. When you make a goal the right thing to do is to always think positive and always tell yourself you will make it. Otherwise you will never accomplish your goals. This can be compared to everyday life. When you are in school and you have a big exam, you should study and commit, and also in your mind tell yourself you can do it. Without this you will not accomplish your goal. What I will do is I will always think positive and always try my best. Not only that but I will always commit to my goals and always "Think Win-Win".

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

Quote:"Diagnose before you prescribe."

Reflection: The only way you will understand is if you listen to others. Listening to others can help with your self. When you are learning a new skill for example, you cannot teach what you are learning until you really understand. What I will do is I will always ask questions until I really understand. This will make me a more positive and helpful -person. I will be able to be understood and I will train myself to understand others. 

Habit 6: Synergize

Quote: "The whole is greater than the sum of  its parts (1+1=3)."

Reflection: What this quote means to me is being positive and cooperation. When you are working as a team I think you should always stay positive and have good sportsmanship. When you are for example, playing a soccer game, it is good to stay positive, winning is not everything as long as you try and you are having fun. You should always respect your teammates. What I will do is while working in a group I will always have fun and try to make my teammates feel special. I will work well with others!

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

Quote: Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Environmental

Reflection: From what I know, when you sharpen the saw you try to balance everything from family to your own health. In the picture for example, I will use what the picture is saying so that I can understand what sharpen the saw means. In this picture, you can see it means sort of a balance. It is saying the body is pure, clean, as in health. It also means, take he time to help others in any way you can! Balancing yourself and family will bring you closer together. Also, having an open mind is beneficial and wanting to learn. When you want to learn you can learn new things, you balance this with everything else like family and yourself. This will make you a stronger person and you will be able to balance everything you have. This can be compared to school, in school you have to learn and sometimes you get packed with homework but if you manage your time well, then you can balance all the other important things in life. 

Overall Reflection:
What I learned while learning "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", I learned how to be a better person. When we were learning about how to apply these i learned how to make more friends and how to be a better person. I will always apply these habits because i would like to be friendly and an overall great person. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

Technique 1: Don't criticize, condemn or complain. 
Quote: "If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."

          Reflection: When you are talking to someone you do not want to give the impression that you are annoyed or bored while having a conversation. When someone enjoys doing something you don't, you shouldn't criticize because then you will hurt the other person and they will not trust you or maybe even like you. I feel that when you are talking to someone you need to show interest, If you want to gain friends you need to show that you are interested. When you judge a person it makes them feel as though you don't like them because of the things they like. What I will do is I will not judge or criticize when I am talking to them because I would like to be trusted and a good friend. I want people to like talking to me. I feel that I would like to be spoken to without being judged on the things that I like. I would like to gain more friends so I will do this so I can.

Technique 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation
Quote: "The big secret in dealing with people" 

Reflection: This is such a powerful statement and I feel that when someone takes the time to talk to you and you are having a great conversation of the things you like, you should really appreciate. I think when you are appreciative of the people around you, you will treasure the moment more and feel loved. I need to learn how to appreciate the things I have and the people who are in my life. When I am speaking with others I should really honestly show how much I care. What I will do is be honest with others and show them how I really fee. I cannot just ignore the good people in my life because otherwise I wouldn't get anywhere. To apply this new technique I will also try to not criticize or complain when I am speaking to someone. I will learn how to give honest and sincere appreciation. 

Technique 3: Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Quote: "He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely way."

Reflection: When you are speaking to someone you should speak to them like you really want to. Get excited and ask about the other person. Ask about things they like. When doing this it will surly make the other person happy. They will feel like you really do care. I will learn to be nice and be eager to talk to someone. For example, when I'm in an interview I will be eager to talk to the interviewer. When I feel eager I will not be as shy. This is because I want to tell the person things about me and my accomplishments. I will learn to be eager and talk to people more, I will also give honest and sincere appreciation. Along with, not criticizing and complaining. I will be a better person wen it comes to communication and making friends. 

Overall Reflection:
In "The Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People", I have learned a lot about speaking to others. When i talk to someone I will not criticize, condemn or complain. I will make sure I am as nice as I can be, and I will also make sure that I am honest. I will be honest and give sincere appreciation. I will not forgot to appreciate because when I talk to someone it will make them feel better and they will trust me more. I will also arouse the other person an eager want. I will get excited to talk to them. I will follow these three steps. 
    School Break Days
     What I did during the break was sleep until 11:00 am. For Christmas we had a dinner at my house and invited a few relatives. When we have a Christmas dinner we make Thanksgiving food like turkey and ham. Christmas eve is when we had our dinner. When It was about 9:00 pm, we all gathered around the living room and opened presents some things that I got was a karaoke machine, headphones, candy, and a heart necklace. We got a lot of presents but the biggest present of all was a family road trip. We went to Las Vegas and stayed at the Stratosphere hotel. It was huge! Unfortunately the rides were closed so we did not get to go on. Other than that it was really fun because there was a mini mall with a lot of places to eat and shop. I read a book by Shane Dawson titled, I Hate My Selfie. This book has a chapter where I tear up and start crying because it is about the passing of his grandmother. Other than that sad chapter along with other sad ones the book has comedy in its sadness. I worked on the IDP during the vacation. This only took a couple hours of my day. There was a man who was homeless and very nice, I gave him some money, and when we were at the hotel someone dropped their belongings and I helped pick everything up. They were happy when I helped. I enjoyed the three week vacation and the time I spent with my family.