"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
(John R. Noe)
1. Make no small plans

Reflection: When you make no small plans, you strive to do your best. You will always believe you can do your best and be the best person you can be. When you set goals, you will not make small goals, you will make big goals and try your best. You will always do your best to succeed in making and accomplishing your goals. For example, when you make a small goal like go to the gym twice a week, you should challenge yourself to do as much as you can. When you push yourself to do more you will accomplish more. This will push you do to your best and motivate you to try your best in all that you do. Another example is when you want to pass your classes in school with B's you should push yourself and strive for A's. To do this i will change the way i think and always strive for more. If something will make me a better person i will always try.
Someone who achieved making, no small plans, was Steve Jobs. He was the co-founder of iPhone. He set a goal to create a new phone that many will purchase. He full-filled his goal. Its a big deal to have many buying your product.
2. Do what they fear

What this means is when you have a big goal and you and others think its impossible, you should try anyways. When you make a big goal like being in a movie, that's a big goal. It takes a lot of time and courage to put yourself out there. You have the risks of being rejected, and maybe receiving bad criticism. Other people might no have the courage to even try. But, if you believe in yourself and know you can do it, or even try, why not go for it. When others will be scared to try and think big, you can lead example and do anything you set your mind to. When you doubt yourself and you are scared to try anything big, you wont go far in life. You will no succeed because other people will try and you will be afraid. Never be afraid of what others have to say. Always try your best in all that you do and never doubt yourself. What I will do is I will not doubt myself and always full-fill my goals even if they are nearly impossible. As long as I try and I'm happy I'll always try my best.
3. Are you willing to prepare

Reflection: What this quote means is you need to be willing to go though whatever it is to accomplish your goals. When you are committed to pursuing your dreams and desires, you will go far in life. If you don't try your best to pursue your dreams you can miss opportunities and someone else will take them. You need to always think about your future and what you're going to accomplish. When you are willing to prepare you will try your hardest in everything you do, this will give you so many opportunities, and you will be very successful. For example, you don't just get accepted to college after high school. You need to receive good grades and try your best, you need to prepare yourself. When you prepare yourself you will be successful and you will be willing to do whatever it is to accomplish your goals. In my everyday life I will prepare myself so that in the future I can be very successful. I will push myself to do better always, and i will never doubt myself.
4. Are willing to risk failure

Reflection: When you are a high achiever, you will do anything to accomplish your goals, and you will not let anything stop you. When you are accomplishing your goals you may not be able to do something. This is called a fail. When you try your best you wont mind to fail at something. Even if you fail at doing something you will try again and maybe even try harder than you did the first time. An example is maybe studying for a test. Lets say you studied for 30 minutes and you feel your ready to take the test. When you take the test you receive a C. Next time you can try harder and get an A or B. You wont let one failure stop you. You will take the time to try harder and do more than expected. You wont let a bad grade hold you back. You will not fail and give up. You will fail and try again. In order to add this to my everyday life, I will never give up. When I have a dream or goal, I will do and try my hardest in order to accomplish it. If I fail then I will just try again and never give up. I will accept failure.
5. Are Teachable

Reflection: When you are teachable, you like to learn. When you like to learn new things then you will find life a lot easier. When you like to learn and you are teachable, you will intake knowledge and use it to your advantage. Learning new things can help you in many ways, like getting a job, having to teach others, and many other great opportunities. A way that you can be teachable is listen to the person that is helping you and teaching you. When asking questions, that can show how you are willing to learn. For example, students that get good grades are not only getting what they deserve but they get good grades because they have a desire to learn. When you love to learn you will have so much knowledge allowing you to be successful. With what you learn, you will be able to live happy, and you will be independent. What I will do is in class ask questions and never say I can't do something know matter how hard it is. I will ask for help when needed and I will always try my best to do anything and everything. I will also use all the skills I learn at school in the future when i have a career.
6. Have Heart
Reflection: Having heart can mean a series of things. When you have heart you care about others. In order to be successful in life, you need to have a heart and treat others with respect. Another aspect of having heart is giving back. This involves giving back yo your community, when you give back you receive as well. When you are a good person, you will go far in life. This means you are nice to everyone and you care for others. An example of having heart would be, donating your old clothes or even helping the homeless. When you do these things you will feel good inside. Another example is when you see someone having a bad day, you should comfort them. When you have a heart you are a positive person and see the good in people and everything around you. You know right from wrong and respect others. I will start appreciating everything, and I will also do community service so that I could give back to my community. I will have heart.
Overall Reflection: We have been working on The Six Attitudes of High Achievers, we are working on how we will take this and learn from this. For the first one, make no small plans, I will always try my best to do my best. I will always try to have confidence and always make sure when I have something I want to accomplish, I will Challenge myself and always do more than expected. I will also do what everyone else fears meaning I will always take risks and do something that others think they cannot. I will always try my best and accomplish anything I put my mind to. I will also be willing to prepare, that means I will always try to prepare myself for anything know matter how big or how small the task is. When I try to accomplish goals I will always accept that i may fail or not accomplish my goals. I will also be good at school and I will be teachable. I will always ask question and keep my grades up. Even for future reference, when I am working I will learn new skills.For the rest of my life i will have heart. I will treat others with respect and be a caring person. I will also give back to my community. I will be the best person I can be.